Paddle Paddle

23 June 2023

Ridgehaven Scout group says a big thank you to Tea Tree Gully Council for three new Kayaks!

Last year we received a grant from Tea Tree Gully Council through their Community Grants Program to help with the purchase of three new kayaks. The eagerly awaited new boats arrived earlier this year. One of their first adventures was during RiverMoot on the Murray River at Roonka in March.
Thomas, an Assistant Venturer Leader at Ridgehaven, recently undertook his kayaking training, which now allows him to take Scouts out kayaking with confidence.
Thomas has taken advantage of one of the many training opportunities available to leaders in Scouting. Parents who become leaders and get involved in their child’s Scouting program can gain training in a variety of adventurous activities, such as kayaking. This not only enhances their personal skills but also benefits their child’s scouting experience!

Ridgehaven leaders in Kayaks during RiverMoot March 2023

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