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Who’s Who
Be prepared for Adventure

The Leadership Team

Ridgehaven Scout Group is entirely self-funded. It is managed by the Group Leader, who is mainly responsible for the uniformed leaders, the youth programs they provide and the leader training status.

This management allows the leaders to conduct more skilled-based activities like camping, boating, etc.

Each section, Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers, is under the control of a Section Leader, who may have a number of Assistant Leaders to assist them.  

Group Council

All of the uniformed Leaders form a Group Council where youth activity programs are discussed and coordinated, this is chaired by the Group Leader.

Group Leader – Huw Williams – Pinnaroo

Assistant Group Leader (Program) – Thomas Milham

Assistant Group Leader (Boating) – Wendy Simpson – Akela

Group Support Committee

The Group Support Committee is responsible for back-room management of Group business. It collects the fees, the payment of bills, organises fundraising, parent social events, working bees and reviewing the Group strategic plan. The Group Support Committee has 3 named positions (Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer) and any number of other members (parents or supporters of the Group). Some of these other members are in other roles, like Quartermaster, Fund Raising, etc. 

Chairperson – Alan Chilman

Secretary – Pauline Huettenrauch

Treasurer – Deb Russell

Quartermaster and Membership Officer – Shane Warner

The Group is managed by trained Volunteers who deliver great Scouting programs to the Sections, and we are always looking for more volunteers to share the load and join the team!