
Fees are due at the start of each school term. Your prompt payment of your account will ensure we can access resources for the term’s activities. Options are available to pay a whole year up front.

If, however, there are any extenuating circumstances that prevent you from meeting your account payment on time, then please contact the Group Leader or the Treasurer. All matters are treated with the strictest confidence.

Scouting is a Not-For-Profit organization and the fees are used to cover items such as:

* New equipment and resources such as boats, tents, kayaks, ropes, cooking gear, games equipment etc.

* Insurance

* Badges, certificates etc.

* Maintenance of the Scout Hall and equipment as well as utility bills (water, electricity, insurance)

* Leader uniforms and training

All of the above costs the Group over $40,000 per year.

FeeFirst ChildSecond Child +
Ridgehaven Membership  Fee (Per Term) $75.00$65.00
Annual Scouts Affiliation (Per Year)$165.00*$165.00*
Scarf Pack (In first account)$20.00$20.00

Ridgehaven Fee Structure Financial Year 2024, please talk with the Group Leader or Treasurer if you are in financial difficulty. We can help with payment plans or financial help in some circumstances.

Fees include Group running costs, Section budget contribution. Note, fees are reviewed annually. 

Affiliation to Scouts SA, is billed separately when its due, on joining and in your anniversary month 

Naturally with Scouting being fundamentally an outdoors-based program there will, from time to time, be sleepovers, camps, hikes and other excursions, which your child will no doubt want to attend. The cost of these activities, which is kept to a minimum, covers items like food and site fees, is in addition to the termly fees.

* Annual Scouts Affiliation can be offset using the SA Sports Voucher available from the Scouts SA Web Site.Most Scout Groups engage in fundraising for the Group. We encourage fundraising for major events (like attending a Jamboree) through the formation of parent committees for specific events.