Working Bee on the 27th of April

8 July 2023

Our regular once-a-term working be is coming up on the last Sunday of the school holidays from 11 am to 2 pm. (27th of April). We invite parents and older children to join in and help around the hall. A sausage sizzle will be provided for all who attend.

We will have some inside tasks as well as a few outside tasks. Inside there is some cleaning that must be done for the kitchen and appliances. Outside there’s some vegetation that needs to be cleared out to make space for recycling bins.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Some of the tasks for this working bee are:

Cleaning the fridge and freezer in the kitchen
Cleaning the oven and area around it.
Move bricks from the Back of ventures den to under the floor of the main hall.
Relocate bricks from the rear of the store to under the main hall.
Replace the security light at the entrance to the hall.
Clean up leaders’ room – boxes of records/filing.
Repair cleaning cupboard doors.
Whipper snip the rear of the hall.

If anyone can bring wheelbarrows and/or gardening equipment to help it will be most appreciated.


Be prepared to connect.

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