Two Wells Scout Group Annual General Meeting (AGM)

27 March 2023
You are invited, to attend the Two Wells Scout Group Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday the 5th of April 2023 at 7pm.
Our Scout hall is located at the corner of Wells Road and Old Port Wakefield Road.

If you have been thinking about Scouting but not sure, then this a great opportunity to meet the current Committee Members and Leaders. This is when we elect committee members to help manage the finances, fundraising, maintenance, secretarial, chairperson, Q-store, or just helping those that have taken up these roles.
We do welcome all and any support.
The more support we have the better fun the youth have.

Hope to see you there!
Be prepared to connect.

Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.