Because the different age groups or sections in Scouting each participate in a different level of activity.

Keep in mind that a number of our groups will have a lot of shared gear to use but do not have enough equipment for individuals. Have a chat with your leader before your next camp to see what you might need, often you can get a number of cheap and convenient gear but investing in some good quality gear will last your Scout a lot longer!
Check out the Exurbia | The Adventure Supply Co. website for all your outdoor adventure needs.
Joeys need a few bits and pieces to show that they are Joey Scouts as well as a few things to set them up for an adventure!

These include:
A uniform shirt (different sections have different colour sleeves)

A Dilly bag for sleepovers and camps
Other things that Joey Scouts may need from time to time that can be borrowed from siblings or friends are things such as:
- Raincoat
- Comfortable backpack
- Things for a sleepover
- Things for a camp
All these things should be well labelled with the Joeys name, and if we are going to a District or State event, label them with the Group name.