Glen Osmond Scout Group is entirely self-funded. It is managed by the Group Leader, whose management responsibility is primarily focused on the uniformed leaders, the youth programs they provide and the leader training status. This management allows the leaders to conduct more skilled-based activities like camping, boating, etc. Each section, Joeys, Cubs, and Scouts is under the control of a Section Leader. Each Section may have a number of Assistant Leaders, e.g. AJL Assistant Joey Leader.
The uniformed Leaders form a Group Council where youth activity programs are developed and coordinated, chaired by the Group Leader.
The leadership team is:
The Group Support Committee is the back-room management of the Group business. It collects the fees, and the payment of bills, organises fundraising, parent social events, and working bees, and reviews the Group’s strategic plan. The Group Support Committee has 3 named positions (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer) and any number of other members (parents or supporters of the Group). Some of these other members are in other roles, like Hall Hiring Coordinator, Quartermaster, Fund Raising, etc.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.