There is a membership fee per school term payable at the beginning of the term. The current full fee per term is $110, but see discounts below for ways to reduce that fee. For members joining later in a term, the fee is payable upon registration and is calculated based on when you join. The minimum fee for part of a term is $50 to cover the affiliation and insurance fees. A discount is applied where more than one children in the family are members.
You have plenty of opportunities to lower the cost of scouting being an active parent and helping the group and we hope you do.
Besides we believe that no child should be denied the opportunity to become a member due to financial constraints. Please discuss this privately with the Group Leader.
Our aim is that each section has at least one free camp (overnight activity) each term. This is a free activity although it may be extra costs related to transport.
Siblings – Additional GOSG Members of a family will receive a 20% discount. Leader Parent – 100% for first family member. The member has a parent who is an active Leader at GOSG. Executive Committee Parent – 50% for first member in family. The member has a parent currently holding a formal office on the Support Committee, (Chairperson, Secretary, or Treasurer). Committee Parent (defined role) – 30% for first member in family. The member has a parent with a specified role e.g. Quartermaster, Newsletter Editor, Hall Hire Co-coordinator, Webmaster, etc.
Helper Parent – 20% for the first member in the family. The member has a parent who has helped in the previous Term with fundraising or working bees, or other activity, identified by the Group Leader.
A invoice is send by e-mail every term.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.