Are you looking for fun, friendships, adventure, challenge, team building and leadership skills?
Are you looking for an opportunity to build your skills and resilience in a supportive environment?
Are you looking for somewhere you will be accepted and feel part of a team?
Scouts SA has a range of programs for Youth Members from the age of 5-25 and Adults of all ages to take part in a range of activities designed to do everything you are looking for in yourself or the young people in your life.
It’s a choose your own adventure, the program is Youth-led and Adult-supported. That means that the Youth get to plan what adventures they are going to go on and what they want to achieve and they are supported and Guided by our Adult Volunteers.
Scouts can do anything! The Youth Member decides how far they want to push the adventure they can start of by ice blocking and progress to Alpine Skiing, go to a district event or an international Jamboree. They are fully supported on the way and given every encouragement to push themselves a bit further with every project they undertake.
Some of the activities we offer are (but not limited to) abseiling, overnight hiking, rafting, canoeing, canyoning, snow activities, rock climbing, sailing and even flying! Not even the sky is the limit!
We also have performing arts, radio communications, electronics, environmental projects, community development projects, international opportunities… and more!
All of these activities are structured in a way that helps contribute to the education of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
Our program is delivered by Nationally accredited trained leaders in safe, but still adventurous, environments.
Young males and females can progress through the five Scouting sections – Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts and Rovers or can start in any section depending on their ages.
Scouts meet in Scout Groups found all over the state and for those that meet in isolated and remote parts of the State we have the Lone Scouts Group who meet via the internet and correspond in many different ways.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.
This site is made available by Scout Association of Australia, South Australian Branch Incorporated [ABN 35 621 021 366] and is referred to as Scouts SA, “us”, “we”, “our” in these Terms and Conditions. Your use of this internet site, and the purchase of any goods from us, is subject to these Terms and Conditions. You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions by accessing, browsing, and purchasing from this website.