Exurbia gets some attention!
Have you been into our new retail store on The parade, Norwood yet? It’s getting some great attention! Pop in […]
Your New Home Of Adventure!
On Monday November 8, 2021 a new era for Scouts SA commenced with the launch of our new retail store […]
Children’s Week – Minister’s Award Winners
On Wednesday Matthew and Thomas received the Minister’s Award as part of Children’s Week SA from the Honorable Education Minister […]
Scouts making a difference Globally!
Everyday actions make a difference! Young people around the world are creating innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges […]
Yankalilla Scout Group officially re-opened!
Tuesday the Yankalilla Scout Group was officially re-opened! 37 very excited youth members attended to be invested with their Leaders. […]
Volunteer of the Month
We are delighted to announce David Morgan and Max Jongebloed as our joint September 2021 Volunteers of the Month. David […]
Life Membership
Congratulations to Julie Wilkin and Marian Browett for receiving Life Membership with Scouts SA. Julie Wilkin has given 29 years […]
Scouts Australia launches the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan
For more than 112 years, generations of Scouts have developed and adapted Scouting to ensure that it has evolved and […]
Scouts SA welcomes new CEO
Scouts SA is excited to announce, Rebecca Wilson as the association’s Chief Executive Officer effective August 16th, 2021. An experienced […]

Be prepared to connect.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.
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This site is made available by Scout Association of Australia, South Australian Branch Incorporated [ABN 35 621 021 366] and is referred to as Scouts SA, “us”, “we”, “our” in these Terms and Conditions. Your use of this internet site, and the purchase of any goods from us, is subject to these Terms and Conditions. You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions by accessing, browsing, and purchasing from this website.