Make the Difference with Scouts.

We are dedicated to empowering people to unlock their potential and building the resilience to face the world’s challenges head-on while being active citizens.

When you partner with Scouts SA, you’ll have the support of team leaders, extensive online training opportunities and resources, and a staff team dedicated to improving your experience.

Your volunteering options can be:

Hands On
Roll up your sleeves and immerse yourself in tasks such as building, networking, and mentoring while providing a tangible experience.
  • Section Leader
    • A Leader (Joey Scout, Cub Scout, Scout, Venturer Scout) – responsible for the planning and running of exciting, challenging weekly and weekend programs which attract new members to their Section and retain existing ones, attending and running weekly Group meetings during school terms, attending group activities (e.g. hikes or camping trips), attending monthly Leaders meeting, supervising and providing instruction, assistance, and testing of youth members in skills appropriate to the program of the section especially in topics and skills of the Award Scheme.
  • Campsite Volunteer
    • Volunteers who provide their time to assist in the maintenance and upkeep of one the campsites that Scouts SA own e.g., Roonka, Nyroca, Woodhouse. They can spend a day or longer pottering around the campsite completing tasks that need to be accomplished. An enjoyable way to contribute to Scouts SA utilising your skills on one of these amazing campsites. The rewards are seeing first-hand the enjoyment and appreciation on the faces of the campsite users.
  • Quartermaster
    • A volunteer who manages the equipment for the group. Ensuring the equipment for the Scout Group is available and in working order. Responsible for replacing or repairing any damaged, worn and broken equipment. This person enjoys organising the equipment shed and utilising their skills to keep the equipment in working order enabling the youth members to participate in camping activities.


Collaborate with top-notch colleagues and be a driving force of success working with finances, property or people management – it’s your choice!
  • Committee Member
    • A volunteer that sits on the committee, attends committee meetings regularly and has an interest in the Scout Group. Assists the group to function assuming responsibility for work assignments including maintenance, fundraising and decision making for the Scout Group.
  • Treasurer
    • A volunteer who operates and maintains the accounts of the Scout Group, includes receipt of money, banking, presenting accounts for payment to Group Committee meetings, the financials of the Scout Group are audited annually. Ensures that accounts are operated according to Association Rules. This person is usually a parent of a youth member who has experience in accounting and prefers to work with adults than youth members, while contributing to the Scout Group.
  • Membership Officer
    • In this role you can expect to be working with a local group to support the registration of new members by answering general enquiries and supporting parents to navigate the sign-up process. You’ll become an expert in using our purpose-built membership data base systems and ensure group records are accurate.


Dive into data analysis, lead process improvements, and collaborate with a team of professionals to ensure coordination across departments.
  • Group Leader
    • The Group Leader is responsible for Scouting at the local ‘community group’ level. They lead teams of volunteers in the support of the Group (Group Support Committee) and the Leader team to support the program for Youth Members. They support Leaders and youth members while working with the District Commissioner to ensure the Group operates in line with policies and procedures, communicate and review how the group is functioning. This role would suit someone who is keen to communicate and motivate adults in a leadership role.
  • District Commissioner
    • The District Commissioner is responsible for the management of Scout Groups in the district and ensuring the district operates according to the Association’s policy and procedures. They provide support to Group Leaders with the resources to ensure that Scout Groups are functioning and running smoothly and also monitor the Leaders in the Scout Groups in their district to ensure that all training requirements are being met.
  • Committee Chairperson
    • A volunteer who leads the committee and ensures the Group Committee work to the principles in the Policy and Procedures. Has the ability to motivate and lead the other Committee members in accomplishing the tasks that are required to keep the Scout Group functioning. Give support and assist the Group Leader with the running of the group, fundraising, hall maintenance. This person is a leader who likes to work with and motivate adults while contributing to the Scout Group.


Discover a sense of adventure and thrive in an outdoor setting with the chance to make a real difference in the lives of young people.
  • Activity Leader/Adventurous Activity Leader
    • A leader who assists at events and activities likes to be out sharing with the community what Scouting has to offer. Having the flexibility of promoting Scouts SA when available, not on a weekly basis as a group.
    • A leader trained in the specifics of a particular activity e.g., Scuba Diving, they are required to have Scout training but also the required qualifications for that activity, and keep updated as required. These Adventurous Activity leaders provide opportunities to youth members to participate in activities within the Scout Organisation gaining valuable skills and having fun at the same time. What a great way to share your skills and passion to educate youth members in the adventurous activity you are passionate about.
  • Performing Arts Adult Helper
    • Get your very own backstage pass with one of Scouts SA theatre production teams. Have the opportunity to join a variety of small teams that make up a show including: costumes and props, sound and lighting, choreography and music. The variety is endless with three shows in South Australia one starting productions from as early as 1944!


Any job can be flexible to accommodate the diverse needs of today’s society. Scouts value communication and celebrate wins, no matter how big or small!
  • Major Events
    • Pick your own adventure with our event calendar, become a regular face or come on board once a year with the variety of events held by Scouts SA, it’s all up to you! Join the fundraising team, medical and wellbeing team or gain the skills to join an activity team and enjoy events that promise to be challenging, rewarding and fun beyond measure.
  • Adult Helper
    • Could be a parent of a youth member or other adult who is willing to assist the leaders and youth members, it may be on a program night or when the section is camping. They haven’t completed Leader training, but have the required Checks and completed membership paperwork. They can contribute to the Scout Group which allows youth members to participate in a program that challenges and excites them.
  • Youth Helper
    • A youth member who helps the leaders and youth members in another section, sharing the skills they have learned on their Scouting journey. e.g., a Scout may help out in the Joey section.

I honestly cannot believe that without scouts, I would be where I am today.

The fact that I went from a silent and non-social child to the youngest Musical Director in a Gang Show (for possibly the country) at the age of 17 astounds me, but proves that the skills I learnt from leaders has well and truly paid off!


I love that we can adapt our program to make it achievable for every individual!

We use the words: fun, challenging, adventurous and inclusive. I love how perfectly these sum up scouting. I especially love Inclusive. Scouting is not a one size fits all program, and we make sure we have the capacity to cater for all.


I joined my children up in Scouts because I had fond memories of being a Scout when I was younger.

My son asked if I could become a leader. I enjoyed helping out during their sessions so I said sure! Why not? And I'm so glad I took that step. I've learnt so much already and I'm very excited to continue this journey.


Documentation and Training Requirements

As part of becoming a volunteer with Scouts, the following documentation and training will need to be completed:

  • National Police Check
  • Working with Children Check
  • Child Safe Environment Course – provided by Scouts SA
  • WHS and Child Safe – Scouts SA online
  • Scouts SA Member

Scouts SA offers comprehensive training and support for individuals looking to become leaders. This includes online and face-to-face training, connecting with other leaders, and earning certificates in Leadership and Management.


Scouts SA is a child-safe organisation with zero tolerance for harm, abuse, or neglect. We value the diversity of our members, including gender, sexuality, race, religion, and ability.