
Joey Scouts

Discover Adventure

Joey Scouts is about discovering adventure!

This is the beginning of your journey as a Scout. In Joey Scouts you will make new friends and look out for each other. You will be part of a small team called a Patrol. Working together in your Patrol, you will discover lots of different, fun, exciting and challenging adventures outdoors.

You will discover the world around you through adventures in your community, exploring creative and personal discoveries.

You can discover new adventurous activities like abseiling, snorkelling and canoeing. Exploring bushwalking trails in the outdoors and having fun discovering what you can do with bushcraft. Going camping, playing games, and preparing campfires.

The best thing about Joey Scouts is that with your Patrol, you help make the choices about what activities and adventures you will be going on.

Be prepared to connect.

Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.

ADDRESS 83 Greenhill Rd, Wayville, SA, 5034, Australia

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