As part of the introduction to Scouting, potential ‘trial’ members can attend 3 free visits to try out and see what you think.
A night at Scouts can be quite varied from week to week depending on what the Unit is working towards – so make sure you come along a few times before making a decision about joining.
We look forward to welcoming you along to try out Scouts!
After a few weeks hopefully, you will decide to join us, and we will ask you to finalise your online membership application.
The Leaders will arrange a night for your child to be invested into Scouts. This is a short, simple ceremony that welcomes them into the Scouting movement. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend.
After this you will be emailed an invoice for membership fees. No fees are payable prior to this.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.