Flagstaff Hill Scouts is seeking volunteer Leaders, Helpers and Committee members to support the great programs our Youth Members are part of. Volunteering is a rewarding opportunity for you to contribute to the community – and have a great time doing it also.
The support of Adults is vital to the success of Scouting in our Group. Could this be you? Someone in your family or a friend?
For more information please discuss with Chris Wise, Group Leader, on 0401 570 800 or flagstaffhill@sa.scouts.com.au
Assistant Leader roles available as part of friendly and fun teams!
• Your attendance and involvement with section activities, camps, outings, programming etc
• Completion of Adult Leader training
• Attendance/involvement in Group Council (Leader meetings) and Group activities
• Completion of screening requirements and adherence to Policies and procedures
• Reduced fees for Leader children
• Service to the community
• A fun working environment and opportunities for self-development
• All Leader expenses in relation to training and uniform covered by the Scout Group
• Completion of training to work towards VET Qualification in Business and Outdoor Recreation
Roles exist for helpers to support our Leaders and programs on a regular basis during weekly activities
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.