At a number of stages they ‘transition’ between one youth section and the next, based around a number of factors to provide support and guidance in taking the next step on the Scouting journey.
As a Youth Member approaches the age of the next section we encourage them (with support of the Leader team) to look at their transition to the next section.
This process is an important step in the life of our Youth Members – the challenges of the next section sometimes lead to apprehension and a ‘fear of the unknown’
The process outlined below is used at Flagstaff Hill to ensure families are aware and importantly Youth Members are involved in this process as their journey through Scouting continues.
Each term the Scout Group sends out advice to members who will soon be in the ‘age bracket’ for linking. This is usually done with a couple of weeks notice so you can start planning.
Transition is an individual process (some youth members are ready before others, some need longer in their current section) – and this discussion should take place with the Section Leaders prior to making a decision.
These are a guideline and we will always look at the individual on a case by case basis to ensure the best possible option for the youth member to successfully link.
Start the conversation today! Speak to your child’s section leader or contact the Group Leader if you would like to know more.
Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.