Postal Address: Glen Osmond Scout Group, PO Box 93, Glen Osmond, SA 5064
Lat/Long: 34.960513S 138.640434E
Street Address: 1A Barr Smith Avenue, Myrtle Bank
UBD Map Rerence: Map 131, F 11
Bus Route 861 (Glen Osmond): (Adelaide bus routes and timetables) Stops 12 (every 15 minute service in daylight on week days, 2 minute walk).
Bus Routes that use SE Freeway to/from Stirling and Mount Barker, etc: Stop 12 (2 minute walk).
Bus Routes 100, 300 (Circle Lines): Stop 19 on Portrush Road (5 minute walk down Glen Osmond Road).
Unley Community Bus: stops outside of the Scout Hall.
WALKING from our hall to Scouts SA
Walk from the hall to Scouts SA: Walk down Glen Osmond Road (about 1.6Km or 20 minutes). There are a supermarket, butcher, service station, pharmacy, Indian takeaway, Subway, and McDonald’s along that route.
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