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Adult Awards
Be prepared for Adventure

Silver Kangaroo

Eminent achievement or exceptional service over a long period or for a unique and highly valued contribution to the well being of Scouting

2017Harry Long
2016Greg Warnes

Silver Emu

Further distinguished service of around 4 – 5 years since the award of the Silver Koala

2005Pauline Treloar, DL-Admin
2004Greg Warnes, DC
1999Diane Strutton, DL-Admin

Distinguished Service Award

For distinguished service to the Scout Movement

2004Maxine Turner, Honorary Lone & SSS

Silver Koala

Distinguished service to the Association for a period of at least 14 years

2019Brian ‘Smokey’ Holecek, OAM, DC
2015Andre Freund, DC
2009Harry Long, BC International
2004Steve Turner, DSL
2000Pauline Treloar, DCSL
2000Greg Warnes, DC

Outstanding Service Award

For outstanding service to the Scout Movement

2004Barry Light, Honorary Lone

Silver Wattle

Outstanding service to the Association for a period of at least 10 years

2018Kirsty Short
2016Lee Stewart
2011Andre Freund, DC
2005Sue Light, DCSL
2005Graeme Fuss, RA
2002Andy Giles, DL-Activities
1999Steve Turner, DSL
1999Ivan Turner, Honorary Lone & SSS

Silver Arrowhead

For excellent service to the Scout Movement

2009Andre Freund, DC
2005Meg Haensel-Fuss, ASL
2002Brian Holecek, DVL
2001Darren Lodge, Honorary Lone
2000Sue Light, DJSL
1999Graeme Fuss, RA

Meritorious Service Award

Meritorious or praiseworthy service to the Association for a period of at least 6 years

2017David Short
2017Alison Gibson
2016Lyn Campigli
2016Lee-Anne Whitehead
2016Andrew Allan
2015Kirsty Short, DVL
2015Jakab Foster, AVL

Certificate of Merit ~

In recognition of Good Service to the Movement

2009Jakab Foster, SL
2009Alison Gibson, DJSL
2005Rob Mutton, AVL
2005Anne Steer, DJSL
2003Andre Freund, Lone Rover
2000Sarah Smith, DVL
2000Meg Haensel-Dunk, ASL

Special Service Award ~

Noteworthy contribution to the success of their section or formation or to the well being of Scouting – as a result of a period of at least 12 month intense effort

2016Shaun Light

40 Years of Service Award

2010Pauline Treloar, DL-Admin

Life Membership of Scouts Australia

2007Harry Long
2001Steve Turner,  DSL
2001Diane Strutton,  DL-Admin
2001Betty Mugg
2001Margaret Vardon
2001Greg Warnes
1996Pauline Trelour,  DL-Admin