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Come and Try
Be prepared for Adventure

Do you want to come along and try the fun and adventure that is Scouting?

We can’t wait to see you!

The first step is to contact the Scout Group and find out what would be the best night to come along.

Once you’ve arranged something with the Group, come along and see what Scouting is all about – parents are welcome to stay and see what Scouts is all about too.

On your first night, there will be some paperwork to fill in so we have your details and contacts in case of an emergency.

A night at Scouts can be quite varied from week to week depending on what the Unit is working towards – so make sure you come along a few times before making a decision about joining.

After a few weeks hopefully, you will decide to join us, and the Group will be able to give you all the details about what you need to do to join.

We look forward to seeing you soon!!

Joining Scouts

After a few weeks hopefully, you will decide to join us, and we will ask you to finalise your online membership application.

The Leaders will arrange a night for your child to be invested into Scouts. This is a short, simple ceremony that welcomes them into the Scouting movement. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend.

After this you will be emailed an invoice for membership fees. No fees are payable prior to this.

Lone Scout Group

Contact Details

Group Leader: Andre Freund
Mobile: 0417 849 633

Meeting Times

Joey Scouts: Please contact Group Leader
Cub Scouts: Please contact Group Leader
Scouts: Please contact Group Leader
Venturer Scouts: Please contact Group Leader
Rover Scouts: Please contact Group Leader


To volunteer with Lone Scout Group please contact the group on the details above or use the link below to find out more about volunteering with Scouts SA.