The 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan outlines Scouts SA’s direction as an organisation in the next few years and the actions we need to take to achieve our goals. Strategic Plans are essential for setting direction and growth.

Our Vision

“We drive sustainability through responsible citizenship and developing resilient young people”

Our Mission

“We empower education for life and sustainable practice, to positively contribute to our community. Through shared values and inclusivity, we work as a team to support young people”

Our Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan builds on Scouts SA’s Vision and Mission to set the Foundation, Key Result Areas, and Goals that will deliver them.

Taking a ‘one-team’ approach, the Strategic Plan informs a hierarchy of planning that ultimately guides the tasks that individual staff and volunteers need to undertake to achieve the strategy.

A clear Strategic Imperative of “Operational Sustainability” and five (5) key strategic foundations will set the benchmark for all operational decisions, providing oversight and strength:

The Strategic Foundations

Compliance and Safeguarding

We are committed to becoming leaders in safeguarding practices and ensuring compliance to modern, robust policies across Scouts SA. This enables us to provide the highest standards of safety and protection for the people in our care. Our focus is on proactive measures and continuous improvement to create a sustainable, secure and nurturing environment.

Operational Improvement

By collectively striving for greater efficiency and effectiveness, we are all committed to positively impacting our Scouting and work environments to protect and enhance Scouts SA now and into the future.


At our core, we believe that service is not just a duty but a privilege. It is our way of giving back to the communities we represent. From our Scouting communities to our commercial customers and our staff, we are committed to providing an exceptional experience.


Resilience in Scouting is about developing in ways that allow us to adapt swiftly and confidently. For participants of our Youth Program, that means giving young people a safe space to try new things. For adult volunteers and staff, it means building the right culture, recruiting and retaining the right people, embedding good governance, and delivering excellent customer service.


When we proactively shape and communicate our identity, we ensure that our community perceives us as we truly aspire to be. This involves engaging in meaningful, two-way conversations with our audiences through various communication channels, fostering a shared understanding and strengthening our presence. By doing so, we enhance our visibility and reputation, aligning our public image with our core values and vision for the future.

Strategic Plan

To see the full plan, please view or download a copy.


Please find below answers to some of the common questions we have received.

What is a Strategic Plan, and why do Scouts need one? 

A Strategic Plan outlines where Scouts as an organisation would like to go in the next few years and the actions we need to take to achieve our goals. Strategic plans are essential for the organisation to set direction and for growth.

How will the Strategic Plan impact/benefit members at a formation level?   

The Strategic Plan provides clarity and direction for members, directs resource allocation, and creates a foundation that ensures members can effectively contribute to meaningful change. 

Do we need to do anything for the Strategic Plan?  

Don’t worry! The Strategic Plan guides the organisation as a whole. If any aspects of the plan impact our members or groups, the Branch Leadership Team and staff will provide information and support. 

How do we know Scouts SA are achieving the Strategic Plan? 

Scouts SA will provide updates to our members when key areas in our strategic plan are being achieved.   

How are Scouts SA going to achieve the Strategic Plan?

We will achieve our strategic vision through collaborative goal setting, action planning, resource allocation, program development, monitoring, and evaluation. 

What’s in it for us? Why should we care about the Strategic Plan?

The Strategic Plan provides a clear roadmap for achieving our collective goals and ensures that our efforts are effectively directed towards meaningful outcomes. By aligning with the plan, we can maximise our impact, receive necessary support, and contribute to positive change within our organisation and community.

I have some questions about the Strategic Plan – who do I contact?

Our team are more than happy to help! Please email your questions to, and we’ll get back to you with the answers.

How is this different from the last Strategic Plan? 

The Scouts Strategic Plan 2019-2025 set out a member-centric direction for the future that, whilst setting a vibrant vision for volunteers, was challenging for our over 200 staff to connect with. This new Strategic Plan seeks to create a new ‘one-team’ vision for the next three years in Scouting in South Australia.

Do we need to change the way we deliver programs to members because of the new Strategic Plan?

Not at all! The Strategic Plan has been developed to support our volunteers in delivering the best experience to our youth members. 

Be prepared to connect.

Facebook and Instagram are fantastic ways to promote Scouting. Please enjoy their use by posting photos and stories about the great activities you are doing in Scouts.

ADDRESS 83 Greenhill Rd, Wayville, SA, 5034, Australia

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This site is made available by Scout Association of Australia, South Australian Branch Incorporated [ABN 35 621 021 366] and is referred to as Scouts SA, “us”, “we”, “our” in these Terms and Conditions. Your use of this internet site, and the purchase of any goods from us, is subject to these Terms and Conditions. You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions by accessing, browsing, and purchasing from this website.

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