Seeonee Refuge

April 12, 2021

Seeonee Refuge

The long-awaited Fire Safe Refuge, first announced several years ago, is now under construction. This state of the art building named Seeonee Refuge, will provide us with a magnificent training, meeting and activity centre at Woodhouse in the area known as the Training Field.

This building is being built at Bushfire Attack Level 29 and will provide a refuge for up to 280 people as a last resort and place of refuge in a bushfire situation. This $1M building is being funded by the entire proceeds of the sale of Seeonee Hills ($535,000), a generous grant from the Government of South Australia ($395,000), and the sale of some shares ($70,000). The expected completion date, weather permitting, is early June.

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ADDRESS 83 Greenhill Rd, Wayville, SA, 5034, Australia

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