Yankalilla Scout Group officially re-opened!

October 22, 2021

Tuesday the Yankalilla Scout Group was officially re-opened!

37 very excited youth members attended to be invested with their Leaders. The Hon Leon Bignell MP came along to witness the proceedings and was proudly “scarfed up” by our Chief Commissioner for his support of Scouting.  Our President Paul Dickson APM and our new CEO Rebecca Wilson also attended the ceremony held outdoors in the beautiful surrounds of the Scout Hall just south of Normanville.

The Yankalilla and District Lions Club have been huge supporters of this project. On the night, their volunteers cooked up a free sausage sizzle for everyone and Beth Willson, Chair of the Lions Club Youth Committee, presented a cash donation to the Group to help with the purchase of some equipment.

It was a great night had by all!

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